Jenny Hearts について

Jenny Hearts(ジェニハーツ)は子供から大人まで楽しんでいただけるゴルフウェアの提供を目指しています。
Jenny Heartsにとって、ご購入いただく皆様がブランドそしてジュニアゴルファーのスポンサーです。
全国、そして世界に羽ばたこうとするジュニア選手達を、Jenny Heartsとともに応援してください。

Jenny Hearts (Jenny Hearts) aims to provide golf wear that children and adults can enjoy.

Especially in recent years, the age to start playing golf has become younger, and the population of junior golfers is increasing.

I believe that improving the level of children itself will lead to excitement in the golf world as a whole in the future.

At our company, due to sales revenue from adult wear,

Sales prices for junior wear have been reduced, and clothing is provided to contract athletes who are active on the front lines.

For Jenny Hearts, everyone who buys is a sponsor of the brand and junior golfer.

Please join Jenny Hearts in cheering for junior players who are trying to flap their wings all over the country and the world.